Burning Mechanism

In addition to our staking pool distributions, 20% of our game's revenue is allocated for the purpose of buying back tokens from secondary markets. Once acquired, these tokens are permanently burned, removing them from circulation. This intentional reduction in supply further amplifies our deflationary economic model.

The buyback and burn strategy serves multiple purposes:

1. Stabilizing Token Price: By regularly reducing the number of tokens in circulation, we aim to exert upward pressure on the token's price, potentially benefiting all stakeholders.

2. Demonstrating Commitment: By allocating a significant portion of our revenue to buy back and burn, we show our unwavering commitment to the project's long-term success and the value proposition for our token holders.

3. Enhancing Scarcity: As tokens are permanently removed from the supply, the inherent scarcity of the remaining tokens can lead to increased demand, further solidifying the deflationary attributes of our economic model. Combined with our staking mechanism, this comprehensive strategy is designed to reward our community's trust, involvement, and long-term commitment to our project, ensuring that the token remains a viable and valuable asset within our ecosystem In our game's ecosystem, we have adopted a unique economic model aimed at sustainability and encouraging player engagement.

30% of our revenues are distributed as profit shares in staking pools as a gesture of appreciation for our players' contributions and participation. Notably, this distribution does not entail the creation of additional tokens, hence not increasing the number of tokens in circulation. This structure has a deflationary effect since there's no influx of new tokens. Deflationary mechanisms can help preserve the value of a token and potentially lead it to appreciate over time. This not only enhances the token's potential as a long-term store of value for players but can also stimulate economic activities within the ecosystem.

Our goal is to bolster trust and engagement from players and investors alike. This approach rewards our community's commitment and involvement in our project, while also safeguarding the long-term value of our token.

Buyback and Burn Mechanism

In addition to our staking pool distributions, 20% of our game’s revenue is allocated for the purpose of buying back tokens from secondary markets. Once acquired, these tokens are permanently burned, removing them from circulation. This intentional reduction in supply further amplifies our deflationary economic model.

The buyback and burn strategy serves multiple purposes:

  1. Stabilizing Token Price: By regularly reducing the number of tokens in circulation, we aim to exert upward pressure on the token’s price, potentially benefiting all stakeholders.

  2. 2. Demonstrating Commitment: By allocating a significant portion of our revenue to buy back and burn, we show our unwavering commitment to the project’s long-term success and the value proposition for our token holders.

  3. 3. Enhancing Scarcity: As tokens are permanently removed from the supply, the inherent scarcity of the remaining tokens can lead to increased demand, further solidifying the deflationary attributes of our economic model.

Combined with our staking mechanism, this comprehensive strategy is designed to reward our community’s trust, involvement, and long-term commitment to our project, ensuring that the token remains a viable and valuable asset

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