Class System

In the game, as explained in the mechanics section, characters are divided into 5 different elements and 4 distinct classes. The statistics of these characters vary based on the classes and elements they belong to.

Class System

In the game, characters can belong to one of the following classes: tank, fighter, assassin, and marksman, which are divided into 4 categories. Each class has its advantages over the others. The possible stat ranges for each class, determined after conducting trials, are as follows:

  • Tanks can have the highest Health Points (HP) and Defense (DEF) stats, with a moderate Attack (ATK) stat.

  • Fighters typically have a balance between Health Points (HP), Attack (ATK), and Defense (DEF) stats.

  • Assassins prioritize high Attack (ATK) and Speed (SPD) stats, with lower Health Points (HP) and Defense (DEF).

  • Marksmen excel in Attack (ATK) and Speed (SPD) stats, but they have the lowest Health Points (HP) and Defense (DEF) stats.

Tank Class

  • HP: 4,500 - 5,000

  • DMG: 150 - 190

  • Attack Speed: 2.5 - 3

  • Resistance Values*: 0.5 - 0.15

  • Ulti Power: 400 - 550

Assassin Class

  • HP: 2,600 - 3,200

  • DMG: 165 - 190

  • Attack Speed: 0.8 - 1.3

  • Resistance Values*: 0.1 - 0.05

  • Ulti Power: 250 - 450

Shooter Class

  • HP: 2,000 - 3,000

  • DMG: 120 - 170

  • Attack Speed: 0.8 - 1

  • Resistance Values*: 0.1 - 0.05

  • Ulti Power: 600 - 1,200

Fighter Class

  • HP: 3,500 - 4,000

  • DMG: 180 - 220

  • Attack Speed: 1 - 1.5

  • Resistance Values*: 0.1 - 0.45

  • Ulti Power: 800 - 1,400

The relative power comparison between classes is as follows:

  • Vulnerability Ranking: Tank > Fighter > Assassin > Marksman

  • Attack Speed Ranking: Marksman >= Assassin > Fighter > Tank

  • Attack Power Ranking: Marksman >= Fighter > Assassin > Tank

  • Ability Damage Ranking: Assassin > Fighter > Marksman >= Tank

These class-specific attributes and power dynamics play a crucial role in the gameplay and strategy within the game.

Last updated